
Benefits of CILG Membership

The requirement for professionals to maintain, improve and broaden their knowledge and skills and develop the personal qualities and competencies required in their working lives is a core component of professional recognition.

Be part of a global professional body with a reputation for driving global standards

Members gaining professional recognition both personal and professional credibility create open doors in the work environment.
Being a member of CILG shall provide members with independent and external recognition for qualifications and achievements.
Members shall also be able to demonstrate a high level of achievement and exceptional professionalism in relation to leadership and organizational development profession.
It shall also provide valuable ways for membersto focus on maintaining and enhancing technical, professional skills and knowledge.
Maintaining and recording CPD help to identify members strengths and interest as well as any potential professional development shortfalls.
This shall also build on your employer’s current Continuing Professional Development(CPD) recording processes.
Members gain access to a range of world-renowned technical materials and research as well as comprehensive resources designed to support their continuing professional development (CPD) including: Free access to leadership and governance books and jobs adverts posted by top employers
Access to exclusive online and face-to-face learning opportunities
Be able to work anywhere of their choice, internationally – because of our world-class reputation.
Have flexibility in their career choice and work in any business sector from the financial services, public practice to institute sectors.
Have flexibility in their career choice and work in any business sector from the financial services, public practice to institute sectors.
Raise members confidence & competence level in organizational development.
Improve members career progression and have the potential to earn a high salary.
Be able to work anywhere of their choice, internationally – because of our world-class reputation.
Gain Professional Recognition to manage both private & public project.
Improve their leadership and Management skills in bidding for both government and private contracts
Gain Visa to the world and network for professional development. Granted the permission to use the prefix after their name (s) as designation FCILG, MCILG, ACILG etc.

For membership offer letter Email your cv/profile to

if you are yet to do so.

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