As a member of CILG, you will gain recognition within the industry which

To be the best reference nationally and internationally in the production and motivation of committed

To train, certify and recognize people for Leadership in private and public efforts;

To provide capacity building in the areas of leadership, governance and public-policies relevant

About Us
We are CILG Nigeria chapter
In a world fast becoming mega-competitive, globalized and sophisticated, it is imperative for countries to have leaders and public-sector managers who can not only measure up to Learn more >>
Our Vision
To be the best reference nationally and internationally Read more >>
Our Mission
To train, certify and recognize people for Leadership Read more >>
Our Headquarter & Regional Centers
Our Membership Details
CILG Nigeria chapter believes that Nigeria doesn’t need charity it only needs good leadership and institutional reform .
Membership Grade
The grade of Affiliate is open to anyone who has an interest in leadership and
Global Council and Nigeria Regional Director
Meet our team of experts who carry out the administration of our organization in a very professional and dynamic manner. They have been tested and proven to be dedicated and efficient in their various duty.
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We are very glad to get client review.
Read our clients comment on the benefits of CILG to the general well bein of the worlds leadership architecture.

I am delighted to welcome you to The Chartered Institute of Leadership and Governance (CILG) with international experience in education, training
Today, more than any time, there is a need for a unique educational and professional models that can meet the needs of the leaders generation.
I am delighted to welcome you to The Chartered Institute of Leadership and Governance (CILG) with international experience in education, training
Segun ,
As a app web crawler expert, I help to Today, more than any time, there is a need for a unique educational and professional models that can meet the needs of the leaders generation.
Today, more than any time, there is a need for a unique educational and professional models that can meet the needs of the leaders generation.
Farhan ,
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