Examine Your Personal Leadership Level On 21 Scores

Whether you are in the church, market, community, educational sector, political sector, sports world or anywhere you find yourself
1. A leader is a servant to all. If you don’t have a heart to serve others without looking for reward, you are yet a leader.

2. If you can’t withstand criticism and you can’t withstand and survive the havoc of hate speech, you are yet a leader .

3. If you don’t have the power of forgiving and forgetting, you are yet a leader.

4. If you stop doing good because nobody recognizes your kind gesture, you are yet a leader.

5. If you see your followers making mistakes, but you keep quiet saying, “If they don’t call me for advice, I will allow them learn by experience.” Your attitude depicts that *you are not yet a leader.

6.Do you have the “Pull them Down syndrome”? When you see someone doing better than you, what do you do, encourage or pull them down?

7.A genuine leader should not desire the downfall of his followers who are better than him.

8. If you close doors for your subordinates because you are afraid they will be far better than you, you are yet a leader.

9. If you don’t produce your kind. You are the only champion doing great and mighty things, you are yet a leader.
Never forget that every good leader must have a better successor.

10. As a leader, you must feed on knowledge. Don’t be stagnant, improve yourself personally, spiritually, emotionally, professionally, mentally, relationally, sincerely and educationally, so you can make impact.

11. As a leader, be a ladder for others to climb to the top. Don’t pull them down. Your desire should be to make your followers better than yourself.

12. Be humble, let them learn from your mistakes. Do not watch them grope in darkness when you can guide them as a light.

13.A leader should be compassionate. How can you be comfortable when your followers are living in abject poverty?

14. A leader should have the heart of a father. A father leads and ensures his family is safe. A good leader should provide for his own people sacrificially without using them for his personal agenda

15. A leader should have the heart of a mother. When the child is sick, the mother runs helter skelter to ensure his quick recovery. Why do you pretend you don’t know your followers are suffering?

16. A leader should not allow evil people to make him wicked. No matter how good you are, some people will not like you.

17. A leader should not allow evil to prevail in the land because of his personal interest. Sinful associates will want to build a nest of sin around a honest leader and entice him into it. Don’t allow that. Do what is right for conscience sake and leave the rest.

18. A leader should not be partial in judgement. There is always the need for honest, sincere and forthright leader. We always need leaders who can be fair in judgement.

19. Be a voice to the voiceless in the society without fear nor favour. Treat the rich and the poor alike with love and kindness. Do you have the loving heart of a leader?

20. You are probably wondering this article is meant for our leaders over there. You are wrong, It is meant for you. I mean you that is reading it now. You are a leader in your own sphere of influence

21. You wonder, “Really, I don’t think so. I am just a follower.” You are far from the truth. Believe it or not, you are a leader. You might be under training but know that you are a leader all the same.

In your business, you are a leader. Start making impact now
Exerming yourself if you are a Leader. Score yourself and amend your way.

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